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A Wonderful Woman

I am very thankful for my Mother-in-law. 

Momma with our Josh (left) and his cousin
I am sure that some think this is crazy or that I am trying to kiss up.  Well I am crazy so it may be.  I can assure you that I am not trying to kiss up.  With this woman that is of no use!  My only regret with her is that I spent too much time being intimidated of her.  Anyone who has met her I am sure can understand this.  The first time I met her was about after a month of dating her son.  He introduced me and her reply was, "and just who is Stacey?"with a deep glare in her eyes.  I sat in his Aunt's living room for 2 hours answering questions.  As we got in the truck to leave I told him to find a bathroom quick because I was so scared that I didn't ask to use the bathroom and I had to go when we got there!  Did I mention I met her for the first time on her birthday.
Some would think that it would be a burden to live so close to their in-laws.  For me it is a huge blessing.  My Mother-in-law is a huge blessing.  During my first pregnancy my Mom lived in CO.  My Mother-in-law was here.  She was a lot of my wisdom.  She was with us in the delivery room, the only one who really paid attention to me, understanding my moments that day.  I cannot even begin to count the times I alone have called on her help, not to mention the times combined with my husband.  In all those times I can only recall two times when she did not.
She is one tough cookie.  She will tell it like it is, even when those around her are embarrassed.  The look in her eyes will burn right through you if you let it.  She is strong.  You will answer with ma'am.  If you are her grandchild, you will call her Grandmother.  She doesn't like her picture to be taken.  You will pronounce our last name correctly, or have a lesson.  You will not crack fingers, toes, backs or any other parts anywhere within about a mile radius of her.  You can count on her to do what she says.  When she sets her mind to something, she does it and does it right (I am sure this is where my hubby gets it).  She is full of wisdom.  I know when my children are with her they are learning ~my oldest knows more about plants than I ever will~ and they are working.   
I have been taught by her.  Encouraged by her.  Put in my place (ever so gently).  Been allowed to keep my marriage and family without her popping in opinions.  Except of course when I ask.  And yes I do go to her for advice, frequently!  There are many days that I  do not know what I would do without her.  For all that she is and all that she does I have and continue to affectionately call her "Momma".  I am sure that she would prefer something more formal like Mother, but she answers without correcting me so it can't be too bad. 


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