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It always amazes me how God coincides things in my life. Things that really don't necessarily have much to do with each other. As you know I am on a weight loss journey (among the many other things I am working on). But I have also started a Bible study on having a heart like Jesus. While pondering and mulling over some questions in the study I couldn't help but to relate my christian walk to my weight loss.

When we become believers in Christ, the Holy Spirit indwells us. We are made new! God loves me and wants all of my heart. Fortunately He shows me what I need to change in steps. I am so thankful that He does not throw the full book of what I need to change to have Jesus' heart. What an overwhelming feet! Just sitting here in this moment a mountain of things flood to mind and I am sure that in His mercy He has not shown me everything yet. But I need to focus on what He has shown me and one step at a time, moment by moment, day by day - follow Him!

Now how this is related to my weight loss. To look at the overall of what I need to lose is overwhelming! Yeah, people do it, it can be done. But at a couple pounds a week it seems like it will take forever. But if step by step, moment by moment, day by day, I make the choices necessary I can and will do it.

Update: This past week I did not get on the treadmill as often as planned. However, I did make choices to move more - sometimes to my disadvantage. I have lost the pound that I gained last week. This week I plan to make the necessary choices in every moment. What I will eat, how far I will walk, what I will fill my time with, what I will watch, what I will read, what I will say, what I will think, and Who I will let rule my heart!


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