We were keeping an eye out for National Parks & Monuments along the way. We purchased a National Parks pass before our trip as we planned on visiting several places in AZ and it would be more economical to go that way. But, this also opened up many opportunities to make "quick" visits to additional parks along the way. This was also what we used for school while we were on the road. The Jr. Ranger programs are wonderful! Some parks are better than others, but all in all a great wealth of information. I learned so much in working through the books with the girls.

I thought these were so cute. They are actually smaller than what they appear in the picture.

View from somewhere on the trail. Just breathtaking!
Washita Battlefield was the first National Park that we stopped at. It is located in western Oklahoma about 20 or so miles north of I40. I must add in here how much we loved Oklahoma! Yes, the "breeze" was a bit much at times. But, the temperature was perfect, no humidity and no bugs! It was so beautiful looking out across the site. We pretty much enjoyed everything about Oklahoma. Well everything that we could see from I40.
Walking through the exhibits at the visitor center really brought me great sadness. It just brought to the front of my mind the great evil that existed, and actually still does. So many people died on this one day. And there have been so many days like this. Fortunately the Jr. Ranger book focused more on the Indian culture and not just the battle. I am not sure how much my sensitive girls could have taken at one time.
Here are some pictures from the battle site. Enjoy!
At the trail head they had flip cards to take with you for what became our "mom guided" tour.
Josh really liked the "piggy-back" rides, Dad not so much.
The girls were fascinated with this creek. They all tasted the water (after we told them not to). Apparently it tasted like water!