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Halfway there

We made it to Henryetta, Oklahoma last night. I cannot tell you how wonderful it felt to lay on a bed when we walked into the room, and to lay my head on th pillow. Oh, WOW, was it great! Thank you Lord for such small comforts.
So the first leg of our journey was not without issue, but comparitively the issues have been quite minor to the joys that we have expereinced. Apparantly the girls believed me when I told them that whining and fighting would not be tolerated. All three of them have been doing wonderfully! Josh on the other hand did not get the memo. I can't say that I blame him too much. I know it can't be all that comfortable to sleep, eat, play and just sit all strapped in. Mom got sick. She thinks from something she ate, I hope that is all. I am also very thankful that our stop by the side of the road in the wee hours yesterday did not cause a chain reaction with my girls, cause typically their weak stomachs cannot handle it!
We stopped for lunch at Jean Petit State Park in AR. It was a welcome stop! It was about 25 miles off the interstate but the drive was beautiful. Not sure if it is from all the recent rain or not but AR is so green! I mean green, like crayuola green. Anyhow we went up, up, up a mountain to this park. They had a great picnic area with a playground. The kids had so much fun. So did Webb and myself. It was so good to see my hubby playing with the kids. To hear their sqeals as he pushed them higher and higher. To see his smile and hear his chuckle at their enthusiasm. This has been missed lately!
After lunch, we hiked one of their "light" trails. I did not think it was all that light other than the last 100 feet or so. And back up to the car, well suffice it to say I already knew I was out of shape and did not need the reminder. This impromptu lunch was just what I have been praying for. That we would enjoy eachother! Thank you Lord for this time together. It made all the hours of driving worth every second.
It still has not set in that we will be gone for longer than a weekend. My husband thinks I am crazy! It still feels like we are up the road from the home and will be returning soon. I am glad that we are not, but it just hasn't taken it's full effect on me. I tought up until now it was lack of sleep, but I just slept like a baby for about 7 hours. I guess it really doesn't matter how long I feel it is. As long as every moment is enjoying my husband, children and my mom, then every moment, short or long, is going to be great!
We plan to leave sometime bfore 11 today. I am not in a hurry. My husband on the other hand wants to get there. Either way we cannot check into the house until 5pm Friday. There will be more stops along the way. Thank you for your prayers. Please pray that we will make our second half safely as we will not be stopping again until we get there!


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