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What if?

Do you ever wonder "What if?" I do. I don't know if it is right or wrong to wonder, but I confess that I do. What if I had never moved to SC, what if my first "love" had loved me back, what if I had focused on college instead of the guy I met while there? Believe me it keeps going on from there. It seems that one question leads into so many more. But the one big question that I always end up at is would I have come to know my Savior if everything didn't happen as it did. You see, had I not left CA or if it had actually "worked" out with the guy back home then I would have never met my husband. He was/is the guy I met while in college. Needless to say I spent a good bit of my time with him. I may have "met" him from CA, but probably never had made the first date. You see, we actually met online at good 'ole Yahoo! We started chatting in November of 2000. Our first date was Jan 5th 2001. Engaged March 31st and married November 17th 2001.
It was through my husband stepping out of his box that we came to CBC of Beaufort in November of 2004. And it was here that I heard and really understood the Gospel for the first time. I have always loved the Lord (at least as long as I can remember), but never really understood what He did or what it meant to be a Christian.
After learning things about people and things from back home (CA) I don't really see how I would have come to truly know Christ if I had never moved. Not to say it wouldn't have happened since with God nothing is impossible. What I do see is God's hand over my life and bringing me to Him.
Like I said, I'm not sure if it is biblical to ask What if?, but I must say it makes me grateful every time I do. Grateful that God has always been watching over me, drawing me to Him, and working things out for my own good (even when I didn't see it at the time). I am grateful for the many blessing that He has given me along the way, especially for my husband and three girls.

~ If you would like to know God personally click here ~


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