A couple weeks ago, during one of our summer storms, we had a limb break off one of the trees in the goat yard. And yes, it fell on the fence! My husband has been saying that the tree it fell from needed to come down for quite come time (it was dying and rotted at the top) - but, fence was in the way. Well I guess there is no better time than the present, fence was already down. Here are some pictures of the tree (silly me didn't think to grab the camera until after the tree was down.
Grateful that my children love to be involved with what is going on and that they love to be outside. Here Sam & Josh are playing on their own "trampoline" as Sam called it. As she said it I was thinking 'redneck trampoline'.
Grateful for the 15 minutes or so that Peter let someone else hold him. Grateful for my Mother-in-law who is seemingly always willing to help me out with the children.
Grateful for my hubby. In many ways, but that he is able to take care of things like this. The tree was taken care of, the fence was repaired! And even though I was against it at the time, grateful for his tractor - it has been very helpful around the place. And I think it's kinda sexy...lol!
Look at how big that thing is! You should have heard it come down! Grateful that no one and none of the animals were hurt when the limb came down or when they felled the tree.
Grateful for my in-laws! If my hubby can't take care of it himself, one of his two brothers is usually able to take care of it. I am very blessed to have not only intelligent, but very helpful, and dare I say caring family.
Her is my biggest little man playing in the saw dust that was left on the tree stump. If we had let him he would have been trying to chop it down with his Daddy and Uncles. But, it gives you an idea of the size of the tree.