It is very hard to accept that your first baby is actually growing up. I knew it was going to happen, and happening, but it just dawned on me about 2 weeks ago. Catherine is 6, yes I know only 6. But as my oldest each year seems to go by faster and faster and she seems to get older more quickly than I ever imagined. And having been working away from the home for her whole life I know that she has not always had my best. I'm sure all this thinking is coming about now that I am focusing my thoughts and energies on preparing to be a worker at home. I cannot help but to wonder where she would be at if I had been home with her, giving her the best hours of my days. God is wonderful though, he makes beauty out of the mess of flesh. We do have a few discipline struggles, but for the most part she obeys. She likes to help out around the house, most of the time. She takes care of her younger sisters. She loves to sing and dance. She has been in dance for about 9 months now, but even before then she would twirl around the living room to her own beat. She is very independent (which is where the discipline struggle comes in). The best thing about her is that somewhere in all of this time she has learned about God and our Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for our church and the bible school teachers and AWANA. A real beauty in all of this was last Thursday when my little six year old "baby" shared about Jesus with one of my moms neighbors. She shared Acts 16:31
"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."
She was excited! She was not ashamed! She was not afraid!
The smile on her face when I got there to pick her up was amazing. She knew she had done something good. She cannot wait to talk to the woman again. There is definitely something to "childlike faith". She is very loving and wants to do what she can to take care of others.
A very scary realization that I have made recently is that my little girl is a lot like me. Which is even more reason for me to be a good and godly model. But, she is also not like me. It is for those things about her that I am even more grateful. Grateful that I can learn from her over the years to come and I pray help her to keep as she grows.