I am grateful for Gods order. I am grateful for His timing. If we had it our way Catherine would have been a boy. Our boy would have come first. But, if our boy was first and not last I would not have been in a place to notice and appreciate just how differently God has truly made us. Of course I know boys are different from girls, I mean I am married! We are made different physically, it's obvious! I'm not sure that all the ways we are different mentally and emotionally are so noticeable though. Especially in the world we live in today where gender roles are blurred so heavily. If I had a boy previous to understanding what God says about our differences I'm not sure that I would have seen all the little things that my little man does just because he is a "boy". I'm pretty sure that I would not have appreciated them. It has fascinated me just in the short span of his life so far just how differently God has wired us. In just 14 short months this is what I have realized about little boys.
- Boys play differently. As he was learning to crawl he already knew that cars were to be pushed around the room making noises. When we gave him a Hulk toy he immediately made "grrrr" noises and seemingly battled the two Hulks.
- He has no fear! About anything. Doesn't matter how gross, he will touch it. Doesn't matter how high, he will climb it.
- There is an attraction to the toilet. Not just to play in the water, but he actually put the toilet brush in it. Getting a head start on learning his chore!
- He rolls around and plays with the puppies. Unafraid as the whether or not they will bite or scratch him. And when they get rough he gets up and goes on with life. No drama!
- He thinks it is game to pull the puppies ears. He pulls, they grumble, he laughs!
- He loves his mommy! My girls loved their momma too, but somehow it is just different. Not sure if it is because he is the first one I have been home full time with or because he is just a boy...
- He loves to be outside. Even in the hospital just a couple days old he loved to be by the windows. When just a wee little one that would not settle down all we had to do was step out onto the porch and he would stop crying instantly. Now as a toddler all he wants to do is go outside.
- Rocks are a food group! My girls ate a little dirt here and there, and an acorn once or twice, but never rocks. He is drawn to them.
- Dirt looks good on boys! He loves to play in the dirt. And the dirt does not stay on the ground, but ends up from one end to the other, in the ears, in the hair and in the diaper.
- He wants to figure out how everything works. It is not enough to know that if he puts the ball through the hoop it will make a noise. He wanted to know what exactly about it made the noise. And he figured it out. He figures all things out!
- He eats, and eats, and eats! I was warned, but so did not get it. A boy's appetite is much larger from day one.
I know that this list will continue to grow over the years as I take notice of the things that he does differently. Some things frighten me as I think of the future. I had three brothers and know the things that they did. My husband is one of three boys and I have heard all about the things that they have done. I know that Josh will also have his own stories I only hope that they don't grey me too quickly.