I walked down to the marsh today to see what my crazy dog was barking at. Instead of that, I found where my kiddos have made "their spot". They have carried all the cut offs and extra pieces from other projects and started a tree house pile. I imagine they have been sitting in these little blue chairs. Sitting, looking up at this big, beautiful oak and dreaming about the great tree house that they are talking their daddy into building. Planing it all out in their minds. Little minds that think big grand plans. Fun plans. The kind of plans that I think too often adults forget to have. Or at least I know I don't take the time for. And I know I don't take the time needed to make these plans come to be. There is always the immediate. The things that have to happen. All of the daily tasks that need to be checked off the list. This was a reminder for me today. While there are a lot of things that need to be done, I need to chip away at the big, grand plans t...
How we do life homeschooling six on a small farm in coastal Carolina.