I hate to admit how complacent I have gotten with being healthy. I know what I need to do which makes it much worse than just being ignorant. I know how to count calories (or points). It's a simple equation more output than input. Add in chaos and the need of convenience and it no longer seems quite as simple. In addition to the chaos I have a huge weakness for sugar! Preferably the chocolate variety. But really any sort of 'sweet' will do. My hubby and I came to a so called agreement right after Christmas. I will give up sweets and he will give up soda (his weakness). "Give up" is so very harsh. Neither of us has been perfect with it. He of course has done much better than I. Unfortunately for him I am weak and when I have given into my sweet tooth I have tended to bring him a Coke. Oh only upon typing that out did I realize how horrible I have been. Did it take anyone else back to Genesis?...
How we do life homeschooling six on a small farm in coastal Carolina.