I am very thankful for my Mother-in-law. Momma with our Josh (left) and his cousin I am sure that some think this is crazy or that I am trying to kiss up. Well I am crazy so it may be. I can assure you that I am not trying to kiss up. With this woman that is of no use! My only regret with her is that I spent too much time being intimidated of her. Anyone who has met her I am sure can understand this. The first time I met her was about after a month of dating her son. He introduced me and her reply was, "and just who is Stacey?"with a deep glare in her eyes. I sat in his Aunt's living room for 2 hours answering questions. As we got in the truck to leave I told him to find a bathroom quick because I was so scared that I didn't ask to use the bathroom and I had to go when we got there! Did I mention I met her for the first time on her birthday. Some would think that it would be a burden to live so close to thei...
How we do life homeschooling six on a small farm in coastal Carolina.