I am grateful for Gods order. I am grateful for His timing. If we had it our way Catherine would have been a boy. Our boy would have come first. But, if our boy was first and not last I would not have been in a place to notice and appreciate just how differently God has truly made us. Of course I know boys are different from girls, I mean I am married! We are made different physically, it's obvious! I'm not sure that all the ways we are different mentally and emotionally are so noticeable though. Especially in the world we live in today where gender roles are blurred so heavily. If I had a boy previous to understanding what God says about our differences I'm not sure that I would have seen all the little things that my little man does just because he is a "boy". I'm pretty sure that I would not have appreciated them. It has fascinated me just in the short span of his life so far just how differently God has wired us. In just 14 short months this is ...
How we do life homeschooling six on a small farm in coastal Carolina.